Class: ReportModel

Addons.GeoMaerker. ReportModel

new Addons.GeoMaerker.ReportModel()

addons/geoMaerker/reports/model.js, line 156
Name Type Default Description
nutzer_fehlermeldung String "" String containing the text entered in the GeoMaerker form
nutzer_name String "" String containing the text entered in the GeoMaerker form
nutzer_email String "" String containing the text entered in the GeoMaerker form
nutzer_institution String "" String containing the text entered in the GeoMaerker form
nutzer_telefon String "" String containing the text entered in the GeoMaerker form
nutzer_url String "" String containing the text for the user url
the_geom String "" String containing the text for the drawn feature geometry
privacyAgreement Boolean false Boolean to check the privacy agreement status on the GeoMaerker form
saveFeatureSuccessDescription String "" String containing the text for the message the user sees after successfull form submission
saveFeatureErrorDescription String " String containing the text for when the form submission call fails
fetchFeaturesErrorDescription String "" String containing the text for when an error fetching the report features occurs
urlEndpoint String "" The endpoint to fetch the reports
apiAuthUser String "" The username to access the api as an authenticated user
apiAuthPassword String "" The password to access the api as an authenticated user
public Boolean true Flag indicating if the requests are public or private
max_mitteilung_length: Number 1000 Maximum number of characters for the description.
max_vertices: Number 100 Maximum number of vertices for the drawn geometry.


  • Model