Class: SchulenWohnortThemeModel

Tools.GFI.Themes.Bildungsatlas SchulenWohnortThemeModel




getDataForMouseHoverTemplate(school, schoolLevelTitle, StatGeb_Nr, numberOfStudentsInDistrict){DataForMouseHoverTemplate}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 203
returns the html as hover information
Name Type Description
school Object an object type Feature with the school information
Name Type Description
get function a function to request information from the feature
schoolLevelTitle String the school level as defined in defaults.schoolLevels and selected with themeType
StatGeb_Nr Integer the area code of the selected district as defined in defaults.StatGeb_Nr
numberOfStudentsInDistrict Integer total number of students in the selected district
the data for the mouseoverTemplate used by the view to fill its html placeholders

getFeatureIds(schools, StatGeb_Nr){Array.<Integer>}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 308
creates an array of featureIds to select by the model
Name Type Description
schools Array.<Feature> an array of features to check
StatGeb_Nr String the urban area number based on the customers content (equals StatGeb_Nr)
array of feature ids where the feature is grouped by StatGeb_Nr


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 272
Requests the Modellist for layer with layerNameCorrelation. If necessary this function starts its creation.
the layer of schools or false if there aren't any


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 257
returns the areas layer
the areas layer or false if there is no such layer

getPercentageOfStudentsByStatGeb_Nr(school, StatGeb_Nr){Float|Boolean}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 245
get the percentage of students as defined in school using the parameter StatGeb_Nr
Name Type Description
school Object an object type Feature with the school information
Name Type Description
get function a function to request information from the feature
StatGeb_Nr Integer the area code of the selected district as defined in defaults.StatGeb_Nr
percentage of students defined in school.get("SG_" + StatGeb_Nr) - this should be a float [0 .. 100] - or false if the school seems to have no students from the district defined by StatGeb_Nr


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 118
Fired when GFI visibility changes, resets to area layer if GFI visibility is false
Name Type Description
visible Boolean gfi visibility


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 90
sets isCreated to true if isVisible and not yet created
Name Type Description
isVisible Boolean is gfi visible


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 166
shows the features of the area layer, hides school layers

setGFIProperties(allProperties, themeType, isViewMobile){Void}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 134
Sets this GFI
Name Type Description
allProperties Object the properties of this model as simple object that may include {C32_SuS, C12_SuS, StatGeb_Nr, ST_Name}
themeType String the type of this theme as defined in config.json -> gfiFormat.gfiBildungsatlasFormat.themeType
isViewMobile Boolean true if this is a mobile device, false if otherwise


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 332
Show all features in all given layers
Name Type Description
layer Object Layer to show

showFeaturesByIds(layer, featureIds){Void}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/schulenWohnort/model.js, line 296
Hide all features in all given layers except all features with given id
Name Type Description
layer Object the Layer filtered by gfiTheme
featureIds Array.<String> Array of feature Id to keep


inherited changeIsReady

devtools/jsdoc/events.js, line 1627
Triggered when gfi theme is loaded