Class: Util

Core Util


new Util()

modules/core/util.js, line 57
Name Type Default Description
config String "" todo
ignoredKeys Array.<String> ["BOUNDEDBY", "SHAPE", "SHAPE_LENGTH", "SHAPE_AREA", "OBJECTID", "GLOBALID", "GEOMETRY", "SHP", "SHP_AREA", "SHP_LENGTH", "GEOM"] List of ignored attribute names when displaying attribute information of all layer types.
uiStyle String "DEFAULT" Controls the layout of the controls.
proxy String true Specifies whether points should be replaced by underscores in URLs. This prevents CORS errors. Attention: A reverse proxy must be set up on the server side.
proxyHost String "" Hostname of a remote proxy (CORS must be activated there).
loaderOverlayTimeoutReference String null todo
loaderOverlayTimeout String "20" Timeout for the loadergif.
Listens to Events:




modules/core/util.js, line 599
Method adds a CORS proxy to the given URL if configured and not already contained in URL
Name Type Description
url String The URL to proxy
final URL

convertArrayOfObjectsToCsv(data, colDeli, lineDeli){string}

modules/core/util.js, line 811
converts an array of objects to csv
Name Type Description
data Array.<object> array of object (no nested objects)
colDeli string column delimiter
lineDeli string line delimiter


modules/core/util.js, line 384
Copies the given content to clipboard as long as browser accepts command. Code mainly taken from: behaviour of ios strange used solution from :
Name Type Description
str str content to copy


modules/core/util.js, line 975
decrements the loaderOverlayCounter

findWhereJs(list, findId){Object}

modules/core/util.js, line 1041
Looks through the list and returns the firts value that matches all of the key-value pairs listed in hitId.
Name Type Default Description
list Array.<Object> [] optional the list.
findId Object "" optional the id/entry to search for.
returns the first value/entry, that matches.


modules/core/util.js, line 127
Returns current Master Portal Version Number
version number


modules/core/util.js, line 545
search the path from the loader gif
to loader gif


modules/core/util.js, line 554
rewrites the URL by replacing the dots with underlined
Name Type Description
url Stirng url to rewrite

groupBy(arr, fn){object}

modules/core/util.js, line 925
Groups the elements of an array based on the given function. Use to map the values of an array to a function or property name. Use Array.prototype.reduce() to create an object, where the keys are produced from the mapped results.
Name Type Description
arr array elements to group
fn function reducer function
the grouped object


modules/core/util.js, line 517
hides the loder gif until the timeout has expired


modules/core/util.js, line 528
hides the loading module until the timeout has expired


modules/core/util.js, line 965
increments the loaderOverlayCounter


modules/core/util.js, line 430
Searches the userAgent for the string android.
an array with the results. Returns zero if nothing is found.


modules/core/util.js, line 475


modules/core/util.js, line 438
Searches the userAgent for the string iPhone, iPod or iPad.
an array with the results. Returns zero if nothing is found.


modules/core/util.js, line 462
Searches the userAgent for the string chrome.
an array with the results. Returns zero if nothing is found.


modules/core/util.js, line 483
Searches the userAgent for the string internet explorer.
an array with the results. Returns zero if nothing is found.


modules/core/util.js, line 446
Searches the userAgent for the string opera.
an array with the results. Returns zero if nothing is found.

isValidAddressString(string, separator, lastOccurrenceChar){Boolean}

modules/core/util.js, line 309
Checks if address string is valid for address sorting. The string gets splitted by "separator". The occurrence of the "lastOcccurrenceChar" is checked.
Name Type Description
string String String to check.
separator String Separator to separate Address (streetname and housenumber) from additional information (postal code, etc.).
lastOccurrenceChar String Charactor to separate the streetname from the housenumber.
Flag if string is valid.


modules/core/util.js, line 454
Searches the userAgent for the string windows.
an array with the results. Returns zero if nothing is found.

omit(object, blacklist){Object}

modules/core/util.js, line 1023
Returns a copy of the object, filtered to omit the keys specified (or array of blacklisted keys).
Name Type Description
object Object the object.
blacklist Array.<Number> blacklisted keys
returns the entry/entries without the blacklisted key/keys.


modules/core/util.js, line 776

pick(object, keys){Object}

modules/core/util.js, line 1007
Return a copy of the object, filtered to only have values for the whitelisted keys (or array of valid keys).
Name Type Description
object Object the object.
keys Array.<Number> the key(s) to search for.
returns the entry/entries with the right key/keys.

pickKeyValuePairs(obj, keys){object}

modules/core/util.js, line 905
picks the key-value pairs corresponding to the given keys from an object.
Name Type Description
obj object the original object
keys Array.<string> the given keys to be returned
picked object


modules/core/util.js, line 136
converts value to String and rewrites punctuation rules. The 1000 separator is "." and the decimal separator is a ","
Name Type Description
value String feature attribute values


modules/core/util.js, line 983
Refresh LayerTree dependant on TreeType supports light and custom

renameKeys(keysMap, obj){object}

modules/core/util.js, line 841
replaces the names of object keys with the values provided.
Name Type Description
keysMap object keys mapping object
obj object the original object
renamed object

renameValues(valuesMap, obj){object}

modules/core/util.js, line 857
recursively replaces the names of object values with the values provided.
Name Type Description
valuesMap object values mapping object
obj object the original object
renamed object

replaceObjValuesRecursive(obj, search, replace){void}

modules/core/util.js, line 884
Replaces recursively string values in an object detected by "search" parameter the with the given replacement.
Name Type Description
obj Object The object to replace strings in
search RegExp | String The pattern to replace
replace String Replacement

searchNestedObject(obj, key){mixed}

modules/core/util.js, line 1055
helper function to find a key in nested object
Name Type Description
obj object object to search
key string name of key to search for
value for the given key or null if not found

searchNestedObjectByKeyVal(obj, key, val){mixed}

modules/core/util.js, line 1089
helper function to find an object by given key and value
Name Type Description
obj object object to search in
key string name of key to search for
val string value of the key we a researching for
object for the given key and value or null if not found


modules/core/util.js, line 937
Setter for config
Name Type Description
value * todo


modules/core/util.js, line 754
Setter for attribute isViewMobile
Name Type Description
value boolean visibility


modules/core/util.js, line 955
sets the loaderOverlayCounter to a specific number
Name Type Description
value Integer the value to set the loaderOverlayCounter to


modules/core/util.js, line 537
Setter for loaderOverlayTimeoutReference
Name Type Description
timeoutReference * todo


modules/core/util.js, line 946
Setter for uiStyle
Name Type Description
value * todo

setUrlQueryParams(url, queryParams, caseSensitive){String}

modules/core/util.js, line 701
Sets the query parameters to a given url. By default, considers case-sensitivity of the query keys. Does not add multiple queries with the exact same key. Existing keys on a url will be kept, except they were overwritten by an equal key in the queryParams argument. Returns the url with the added keys.
Name Type Description
url String url to append the queries to
queryParams Object Query params as object with key values matching query key values
caseSensitive Boolean true, if query keys should be handled case-sensitive, false otherwise, defaults to true
with additional query params

setUrlQueryParamsFromArray(url, queryParams){String}

modules/core/util.js, line 629
Sets the query params to a given url. Given params will not be overwritten and params with the same key can appear multiple times. The queryParams argument MUST be in following structure: [ ["param1", Set{"paramValue1", 2}], ["param2"], ["param2", Set{1,2}] ] --> ?param1=paramValue1,2¶m2¶m2=1,2 The first element MUST be a string describing the name of the query. The second argument is optional, but MUST be a Set if given. Each value in the Set will be set as comma separated value to the query name.
Name Type Description
url String The base url
queryParams Array.<Array> Nested Array with query Params
final url


modules/core/util.js, line 503
shows the loader gif

sort(type, input, first, second){array}

modules/core/util.js, line 164
Sorting alorithm that distinguishes between array[objects] and other arrays. arrays[objects] can be sorted by up to 2 object attributes
Name Type Description
type String Type of sortAlgorithm
input array array that has to be sorted
first String first attribute an array[objects] has to be sorted by
second String second attribute an array[objects] has to be sorted by

sortAddress(aObj, bObj){Number}

modules/core/util.js, line 256
Sorting Function to sort address. Expected string format to be "STREETNAME HOUSENUMBER_WITH_OR_WITHOUT_SUFFIX, *"
Name Type Description
aObj String First comparator.
bObj String Secons comparator.

sortAlphaNum(a, b){Number}

modules/core/util.js, line 194
Sorting function for alphanumeric sorting. First sorts alphabetically, then numerically.
Name Type Description
a * First comparator.
b * Secons comparator.


modules/core/util.js, line 184
Sorts an array.
Name Type Description
input Array array to sort.

sortNumAlpha(a, b){Number}

modules/core/util.js, line 225
Sorting function for numalpha sorting. First sorts numerically, then alphabetically.
Name Type Description
a * First comparator.
b * Secons comparator.

sortObjects(type, input, first, second){Array.<Object>}

modules/core/util.js, line 329
Sorts array of objects basend on the given type.
Name Type Description
type String Type of sort algorithm.
input Array.<Object> Array with object to be sorted.
first String First attribute to sort by.
second String Second attribute to sort by.
Sorted array of objects.


modules/core/util.js, line 369
Sorts array of objects as address using a special sorting alorithm
Name Type Description
input Array.<Object> Array with object to be sorted.
Sorted array of objects.

sortObjectsNonAddress(input, first, second){Array.<Object>}

modules/core/util.js, line 349
Sorts Objects not as address.
Name Type Description
input Array.<Object> Array with object to be sorted.
first String First attribute to sort by.
second String Second attribute to sort by.
Sorted array of objects.

splitAddressString(string, separator, lastOccurrenceChar){Array.<String>}

modules/core/util.js, line 286
Splits the address string.
Name Type Description
string String Address string.
separator String Separator to separate the Address and Housenumber from other info such as zipCode or City.
lastOccurrenceChar String Character to separate the streetname from the housenumber.
Array containing the splitted parts.


modules/core/util.js, line 762
Toggled the isViewMobile attribute when the window width exceeds or falls below 768px