new Core.ModelList.Layer.SensorThingsMqtt.exports.SensorThingsMqtt()
modules/core/modelList/layer/sensorThingsMqtt.js, line 24
SensorThingsMqtt is the software layer to handle the special needs of the SensorThingsAPI regarding the mqtt protocol.
SensorThingsAPI: This software layer uses mqtt 3.1.1 mqtt 3.1.1: This layer can simulate Retained Messages if the Broker (Server) is not able to work with retained messages. If the simulation or Retained Messages is activated, for every subscription there will be a single http call send to the Broker (Server). To import SensorThingsMqtt: import {SensorThingsMqtt} from "./SensorThingsMqtt"; create a new object: const obj = new SensorThingsMqtt() connect: const client = obj.connect(opts)
connect(mqttOptions, mqttOpt, onerrorOpt){SensorThingsHttpClient}
modules/core/modelList/layer/sensorThingsMqtt.js, line 45 -
connects to the host of the given url with mqtt and calls the given url with http
Name Type Description mqttOptions
Object the mqtt options Name Type Description host
String the mqtt host protocol
String optional the protocol to use (mqtt, mqtts, ws, wss, wx, wxs), default: mqtt path
String optional the path to follow (e.g. if protocol is wss, the path might be /mqtt) context
Object optional the scope to call with mqttOpt
mqtt optional the mqtt object to be used instead of the default (default is the npm package mqtt) onerrorOpt
SensorThingsErrorCallback optional an optional callback to use as errorhandler - if not set console.warn will be triggert on error Returns:
client to bind the message and connect event and to subscribe and unsubscribe with