new GeoMaerkerViewModel()
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 300
ViewModel for GeoMaerker
Name | Type | Default | Description |
currentLng |
String | "de" | The current language |
map |
OlMap | the associated OL Map | |
glyphicon |
String | "fas | fa-map-marked-alt fa-lg" The Glyphicon used as the Addon Icon |
id |
String | "geoMaerker" | The Addon identifier |
deactivateGFI |
Boolean | true | If GFI tool is deactivated when Geomaerker is active |
nameTranslationKey |
String | "" | The key for the tool name translation |
zoomInteraction |
OlInteraction | The OL zoom interaction | |
drawInteraction |
OlInteraction | The OL draw interaction | |
modifyInteraction |
OlInteraction | The OL modify interaction | |
selectHoverOnFeaturesInteraction |
OlInteraction | The OL Select interaction as pointermove type | |
selectClickOnFeaturesInteraction |
OlInteraction | The OL Select interaction as click type | |
selectHoverOnFeaturesListener |
Object | {} | The Listener when hovering over features |
drawButtonDisabled |
Boolean | true | If the draw button should appear disabled |
addFeatureListener |
Object | {} | The listener for when drawing a feature |
pointerPosition |
OLCoordinate | null | The current mouse pointer position on the map |
idCounter |
Number | 0 | An id counter |
drawnReportFeatureLayer |
OLVectorLayer | The OL layer to store the Report Feature | |
drawnReportFeature |
OLFeature | The drawn report feature | |
reportFeaturesLayer |
OLVectorLayer | The OL layer to store the report Features | |
reportFeaturesWMSLayer |
OLImageLayer | The OL image layer containing the report features from the WMS GetMap request | |
drawInteractionType |
Object | {geometry="Polygon", | geometryFunction=null, id="drawPolygon"} The type of draw interaction |
formVoluntaryInformationHelp |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the help regarding giving voluntary information |
formDescriptionLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field label |
formDescriptionError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the description not filled error |
formDescriptionLengthError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the description too long error |
formDescriptionInvalidError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the description invalid error |
formNameLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field label |
formNamePlaceholder |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field placeholder |
formNameInvalidError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the name invalid error |
formEmailLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field label |
formEmailPlaceholder |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field placeholder |
formEmailError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the email invalid error |
formGeomError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the geom invalid error |
formInstitutionLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field label |
formInstitutionPlaceholder |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field placeholder |
formInstitutionInvalidError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the institution invalid error |
formPhoneNumberLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field label |
formPhoneNumberPlaceholder |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field placeholder |
formPhoneNumberInvalidError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the phone number invalid error |
formPrivacyAgreementLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field label |
formPrivacyAgreementError |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the privacy areement not filled error |
formPrivacyAgreementInfos |
Array.<String> | [ | A list of strings containig the text for the privacy info |
formCookieAgreementLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the form field label |
formCookieAgreementInfo |
String | "" | A string containig the text for the cookie info |
formButtonSubmit |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the Geomaerker form submit button |
formButtonCancel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the cancel button |
fetchFeaturesErrorDescription |
String | "" | A string containing the text that is displayed if fetching reports failed |
updateGeometryErrorDescription |
String | "" | A string containing the text that is displayed if updating a geometry failed |
editGeomInfoText |
String | "" | A string containing the info text when editing a geometry |
saveGeomLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the save geometry button |
cancelGeomLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the cancel geometry editing button |
editDrawingEdit |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the edit drawing button |
createDrawing |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the start drawing bbutton |
introText |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the Addon intro description |
helpLabel |
String | "" | A string containing the text for the help button |
geometryIsWrongMessage |
String | "" | A string containing the text for when the geometry of the drawn feature does not intersect Brandenburg |
changeInformationTitle |
String | "" | The title of the change information in the popup |
callIdTitle |
String | "" | The title of the call id in the popup |
statusTitle |
String | "" | The title of the status in the popup |
tooManyLayersText |
String | "" | The info to be shown when too many layers were added to the map |
testGeometryFailedDescription |
String | "" | A string containing the text for when the geometry test call fails |
showEditDrawnReportButton |
Boolean | !Radio.request("Util", | "isViewMobile") Show the edit feature button on the form or not |
selectedFeature |
OLFeature | The currently clicked Report feature that is visible in the tooltip | |
selectedFeatures |
Array.<OLFeature> | The currently clicked Report features | |
wmsBaseUrl |
String | "" | The WMS base URL for displaying the report feature polygons |
wmsVersion |
String | "" | The version of the WMS |
wmsLayer |
String | "" | The name of the WMS layer to user |
apiEndpoint |
String | "" | The endpoint to fetch the reports |
apiAuthUser |
String | "" | The username to access the api as an authenticated user |
apiAuthPassword |
String | "" | The password to access the api as an authenticated user |
public |
Boolean | true | Flag indicating if the requests are public or private |
selectFeaturesGeometryInteraction |
OlInteraction | The OL select interaction for the report features geometry layer | |
doubleClickZoomInteraction |
OlInteraction | The OL Double Click Zoom interaction | |
clusterSource |
olLayerSource | The OL cluster source (needed for switching between clustered and non-clustered view). | |
showPrivacyInfo |
Boolean | false | True, if the privacy info should be shown. False otherwise. |
showCookieInfo |
Boolean | false | True, if the cookie info should be shown. False otherwise. |
hoverOverlayId |
String | "geomaerker-info-overlay" | The id of the hover overlay. |
clickOverlayId |
String | "geomaerker-info-overlay-click" | The id of the click overlay. |
cookieData |
Object | {} | The stored cookieData. |
max_mitteilung_length: |
Number | 1000 Maximum number of chars for description. | |
max_name_length: |
Number | 100 Maximum number of chars for nuter_name. | |
max_institution_length: |
Number | 100 Maximum number of chars for nutzer_institution name. | |
max_email_length: |
Number | 50 Maximum number of chars for nutzer_email. | |
max_telefon_length: |
Number | 50 Maximum number of chars for nutzer_telefon. | |
max_vertices: |
Number | 100 Maximum number of vertices for the drawn geometry. | |
max_layers_possible: |
Number | 100 Maximum number of allowed layers. |
Listens to Events:
- i18next#event:RadioTriggerLanguageChanged
- MapView#event:ZoomLevelChanged
- Addons.GeoMaerker#event:IsActiveChange
- Addons.GeoMaerker#event:ReportFeaturesLayerChange
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1218 -
Activates the select interaction on the marker layer.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1198 -
Activates the select interaction on the polygon layer.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1003 -
Add the geometry layer interaction.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 688 -
Method to add the OL interactions for the Layer containing the Report Features
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 353 -
change language - sets default values for the language
Name Type Description lng
String the language changed to -
createPopupOverlay(selectedFeatures, coordinate){void}
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 858 -
Creates a popup overlay.
Name Type Description selectedFeatures
* The OL features. coordinate
* The coordinate to place the popup on. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 617 -
Method to create an OL Layer to contain the Report Features
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 578 -
Method to create an OL Image WMS layer containing the geometries of the features
createSelectFeatureInteraction(condition, multi){OlInteraction}
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 723 -
Method that defines a new OL Select Feature Interaction
Name Type Description condition
* The condition. multi
Boolean True, if multi select should be applied. False otherwise. Returns:
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 836 -
Method that defines the listener for the Select OL interaction
Name Type Description selectFeatureInteraction
* The interaction. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1228 -
Deactivates the select interaction on the marker layer.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1208 -
Deactivates the select interaction on the polygon layer.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1112 -
Get the right source depending on zoomlevel.
Name Type Description currentZoom
Number The current zoomlevel. Returns:
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1180 -
Change handle for adminEditGeometryActive
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 412 -
Method to control what happens when the map zoom level changes
Name Type Description zoomLevel
* The zoomlevel -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1021 -
Remove the geometry layer interaction.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 706 -
Method to remove the OL interactions from the Report Features Layer
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 443 -
sets value of addFeatureListener
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1172 -
Setter for adminEditGeometryActive
Name Type Description active
boolean True if active. False otherwise. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1259 -
sets value of cookieData
Name Type Description value
Object The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 461 -
sets value of drawInteraction
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 479 -
sets value of drawInteractionType
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 434 -
sets value of drawnReportFeature
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 425 -
sets value of drawnReportFeatureLayer
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
inherited setGlyphicon(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 69 -
Setter for glyphicon
Name Type Description value
String Glyphicon -
inherited setId(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 34 -
Setter for id
Name Type Description value
String Id -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 452 -
sets value of idCounter
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
inherited setIsActive(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/tool/model.js, line 129 -
Activates or deactivates tool
Name Type Description value
Boolean Flag if tool is active -
inherited setIsInThemen(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 78 -
Setter for isInThemen
Name Type Description value
Boolean Flag if item is in themen -
inherited setIsVisibleInMenu(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 105 -
Setter for setIsVisibleInMenu
Name Type Description value
Boolean Flag if item is visible in menu -
inherited setIsVisibleInTree(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 96 -
Setter for isVisibleInTree
Name Type Description value
Boolean Flag if item is visible in layertree -
inherited setLevel(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 87 -
Setter for level
Name Type Description value
String Level -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 470 -
sets value of modifyInteraction
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
inherited setName(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 52 -
Setter for name
Name Type Description value
String Name -
inherited setParentId(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 43 -
Setter for parentId
Name Type Description value
String ParentId -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 488 -
sets value of reportFeaturesLayer
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 542 -
sets value of reportFeaturesWMSLayer
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 515 -
sets value of selectClickOnFeaturesInteraction
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 524 -
sets value of selectedFeature
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 533 -
sets value of selectedFeatures
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 506 -
sets value of selectHoverOnFeaturesInteraction
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 497 -
sets value of selectHoverOnFeaturesListener
Name Type Description value
* The value. -
inherited setType(value){void}
modules/core/modelList/item.js, line 60 -
Setter for type
Name Type Description value
String Type -
inherited superChangeLang(){Void}
modules/core/modelList/tool/model.js, line 113 -
change language - sets or translates the name of this tool, if property i18nextTranslate is no function. If name is defined in config.json, the name is not translated else property nameTranslationKey is used.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1161 -
Toggles the active state of the button.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1248 -
Toggles the showCookieInfo property.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1238 -
Toggles the showPrivacyInfo property.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1139 -
Updates the cluster source if needed.
Name Type Description newSource
ol.Source The new source. -
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 1031 -
Update the geometry layer interaction based on plugin active state.
addons/geoMaerker/viewModel.js, line 675 -
Adds or removes OL interactions for the layer containing the report features.