new GrenznachweisModel()
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 83
Name | Type | Default | Description |
nutzungsbedingungakzeptiert |
Boolean | false | Flag, if user accepted the terms of usage |
gebuehrenordnungakzeptiert |
Boolean | false | Flag, if user accepted the scale of fees |
lage |
String | "" | Position of the requestet parcel |
zweckGebaeudeeinmessung |
Boolean | false | Flag, if user orders a 'Gebäudeeinmessung' |
zweckGebaeudeabsteckung |
Boolean | false | Flag, if user orders a 'Gebäudeabsteckung' |
zweckLageplan |
Boolean | false | Flag, if user orders a 'Lageplan' |
zweckSonstiges |
Boolean | false | Flag, if user orders something else |
freitext |
String | "" | Field to insert some free text |
punkte |
String | "knick-eckpunkte" | Definition of selected points |
kundenanrede |
String | "Herr" | Customers title |
source |
VectorSource | Geometry source for interactive order | |
kundenname |
String | "" | Customer name |
kundenfirma |
String | "" | Customer company |
kundenadresse |
String | "" | Customer address |
kundenplz |
String | "" | Customer postal code |
kundenort |
String | "" | Customer city |
kundenemail |
String | "" | Customer e-mail |
kundenfestnetz |
String | "" | Customer phone number |
kundenmobilfunk |
String | "" | Customer mobile number |
auftragsnummer |
String | "" | Order number |
kundennummer |
String | "" | Customer number |
errors |
Object | {} | Collection of errors |
activatedInteraction |
Boolean | false | todo |
weiterButton |
Object | {enabled:true,name:"weiter"} | Description of button to go on in the formular |
zurueckButton |
Object | {enabled:false,name:"zurück"} | Description of button to go back in the formular |
activeDIV |
String | "beschreibung" | Shows which HTML div is currently active ('beschreibung' or 'kundendaten') |
wpsurl |
String | "" | URL to the WPS service |
renderToWindow |
Boolean | true | Flag, if the fomular shall be rendered to the masterportal tool window. |
- RestReader#event:RadioRequestRestReaderGetServiceById
- Map#event:RadioTriggerMapAddLayer
- Alerting#event:RadioTriggerAlertAlert
- Searchbar#event:RadioTriggerSearchbarDeleteSearchString
- Window#event:RadioTriggerWindowCollapseWin
- Util#event:RadioTriggerUtilHideLoader
- Util#event:RadioTriggerUtilShowLoader
- Formular#event:render
- Map#event:RadioTriggerMapAddInteraction
- Map#event:RadioTriggerMapRemoveInteraction
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 628 -
Builds GeoJSON from the user drawing
changeWeiterButton(enabled, name){void}
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 376 -
Sets the parameter of the 'forward'-button (enable or disable it and change the name)
Name Type Description enabled
Boolean Flag, if the 'forward'-button shall be enabled or not name
String Text to display as name on the button -
changeZurueckButton(enabled, name){void}
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 385 -
Sets the parameter of the 'back'-button (enable or disable it and change the name)
Name Type Description enabled
Boolean Flag, if the 'back'-button shall be enabled or not name
String Text to display as name on the button -
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 405 -
Checks the given order data
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 392 -
Checks the given customer data
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 303 -
Reacts on click in one of the input fields, then triggers the render function or updates the back and forward buttons
Name Type Description evt
Object Event generated when clicking in the input fields Fires:
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 225 -
Sets the user input to the corresponding variables in the model
Name Type Description evt
Object Event generated when leaving one of the input fields -
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 259 -
Sets the user input to the corresponding variables in the model
Name Type Description evt
Object Event generated when performing key up in the input fields -
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 111 -
Prepares the formular depending on the search result
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 648 -
Reads a cookie to set customer data
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 727 -
Removes all geometries
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 599 -
Creates triggers the radio to show an error message
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 610 -
Creates triggers the radio to show a success message
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 736 -
Reacts on changes in the geometry, drawn by the user
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 693 -
Toggles the draw interaction to allow the user to input a polygon
- Map#event:RadioTriggerMapAddInteraction
- Map#event:RadioTriggerMapRemoveInteraction
- Formular#event:render
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 422 -
Creates and sends the WPS request
- Searchbar#event:RadioTriggerSearchbarDeleteSearchString
- Window#event:RadioTriggerWindowCollapseWin
- Util#event:RadioTriggerUtilHideLoader
- Util#event:RadioTriggerUtilShowLoader
validate(attributes, identifier){Object}
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 144 -
Validates the given formular
Name Type Description attributes
Object Input values of the formular identifier
Object todo Returns:
Collection of errors or null if valid
modules/formular/grenznachweis.js, line 668 -
Sets a cookie to save customer data
inherited changeIsActive
devtools/jsdoc/events.js, line 2216 -
Fired when param isActive changes
inherited RadioRequestToolGetCollection
devtools/jsdoc/events.js, line 2211 -
Delivers an array with configured tools
inherited RadioRequestToolGetSupportedIn3d
devtools/jsdoc/events.js, line 2175 -
Delivers an array with toll which supported in 3d-Mode /** -------------------- TOOLS.VIRTUALCITY --------------------
inherited RadioRequestToolGetSupportedOnlyIn3d
devtools/jsdoc/events.js, line 2170 -
Delivers an array with toll which supported only in 3d-Mode
inherited RadioRequestToolGetSupportedOnlyInOblique
devtools/jsdoc/events.js, line 2206 -
Delivers an array with toll which supported only in Oblique-Mode