Class: BalkendiagrammTheme



new BalkendiagrammTheme()

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 21




modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 274
requests util if portal is running on mobile device


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 227
Generates the graph config and triggers the Graph-functionality to create the graph

getRawTableContent(gfiProperties, layerType, themeUnit, latestValue){Object}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 75
here the content for the gfi-theme table will be parsed - note: to optimize this data this.getRevertData is used
Name Type Description
gfiProperties Object the given data for this theme gotten by this.get("gfiContent").allProperties
layerType String as set in the config.json -> gfiFormat -> gfiBildungsatlasFormat
themeUnit String as set in the config.json -> gfiFormat -> gfiBildungsatlasFormat
latestValue Number the latest (youngest) value found in gfiProperties (you may use this.getStatisticWithYear to single it out)
an object with keys as used in the template and values not yet optimized

getRevertData(content, themeUnit, nameStadtteil){Object}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 156
Revert the null or empty value to standard value check if the percentage should be added
Name Type Description
content Object the full content of data created in setContent
themeUnit String the themeUnit as defined in config.json => gfiFormat => gfiBildungsatlasFormat
nameStadtteil String the name of the Stadtteil - should be found in this.get("gfiContent").allProperties
content with reverted/optimized data

getStatisticWithYear(gfiProperties, themeCategory, yearPrefix){Array}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 125
Here we get the data with the year for preparaing the balkendiagram
Name Type Description
gfiProperties Object the content for this theme gotten by this.get("gfiContent").allProperties
themeCategory Object the category of the theme based on config.json -> gfiFormat -> gfiBildungsatlasFormat
yearPrefix String the prefix to search for in gfiProperties for data prefix+year to be used for the result
an array of objects [{String: year, Integer: number}] found in gfiProperties where data has key prefixed with yearPrefix


modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 194
Name Type Description
value object the value from the content with individual key
the well formed value to be shown on mouse hover

setTooltipValue(value, themeUnit){String}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/bildungsatlas/balkendiagramm/model.js, line 207
setter for TooltipValue of the BarGraph - note that this is sourced out because of its complexity (must be testable - see testings)
Name Type Description
value Number the value to be shown
themeUnit String as set in config.json => gfiFormat => gfiBildungsatlasFormat
the well formed value to be shown on mouse hover