Class: ContiniuousCountingBikeThemeView



new ContiniuousCountingBikeThemeView()

modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 31


  • GFI.Themes



modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 161
appendChildren overrides the function to append image children to the gfi in this case the images are prepended

fadeIn(checkbox, activeTab){void}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 123
fadeIn the chart or the table in the tab content
Name Type Description
checkbox string name of the checkbox
activeTab string contains the value of the active tab


modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 153
fadeInDownloadButton fades in the donwload button
Name Type Description
activeTab string contains the value of the active tab

fadeOut(checkbox, activeTab){void}

modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 138
fadeOut the chart or the table in the tab content
Name Type Description
checkbox string name of the checkbox
activeTab string contains the value of the active tab


modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 104
loadDiagramm get the height and with for the graphic and transfers it to the setter in the model initiates the repositioning of the gfi window initiates createD3Document in the model
Name Type Description
activeTab string contains the value of the active tab


modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 91
removeClasses removes the "in active" classes of the tab content
Name Type Description
tabContentList array array of classes


modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 179
rePositionGFIWindow gets the width of the gfi window and positions it depending on the map width


modules/tools/gfi/themes/continuousCountingBike/view.js, line 41
toggleTabis called when an other tab is activated deacitvates all content and initiate to create the new content for the active tab
Name Type Description
evt event click event