Class: GdiModel

Searchbar.Gdi GdiModel


new GdiModel()

modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 26
Name Type Default Description
minChars Number 3 Minimum length of search string to start.
serviceId String "" Id of restService to derive url from.
queryObject Object {} Payload used to append to url.
elasticSearch ElasticModel = new ElasticSearch() ElasticModel.
Listens to Events:



appendSearchStringToPayload(payload, searchStringAttribute, searchString){Object}

modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 168
Recursively searches for the searchStringAttribute key and sets the searchString. Adds the search string to the payload using the given key
Name Type Description
payload Object Payload as Object
searchStringAttribute String Attribute key to be added to the payload object.
searchString String Search string to be added using the searchStringAttribute.
the payload with the search string.

createHit(result, hitMap, hitType, hitGlyphicon, triggerEvent){Object}

modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 119
Creates hit that is sent to the hitList.
Name Type Description
result Object Result object from elastcisearch request.
hitMap Object Mapping object. Used to map results attributes to neccessary hit attributes.
hitType String Type of hit.
hitGlyphicon String Glyphicon class to show in reccomendedList
triggerEvent Object Object defining channel and event. used to fire event on mouseover and click in recommendedList.


modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 84
Creates the recommended List
Name Type Description
responseData Array.<Object> Response data.


modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 41
Derives the url from the serviceId and appends url parameters.
Name Type Description
serviceId String Service Id.
url with appended parameters.

findAttributeByPath(object, path){*}

modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 141
Returns the attribute value of the given object by path. If path is an array, the function recursively iterates over the object for each part and pushes the value in an array. Otherwise only the value of the given attribute path will be returned.
Name Type Description
object Object Object to derive value from.
path String | Array.<String> Path of the attribute. "." in the path indicates the next deeper level.
Value that is at position of given path.
modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 58
Checks if the minChars criterium is passed, then sends the request to the elastic search index.
Name Type Description
searchString String The search string.


modules/searchbar/gdi/model.js, line 186
Setter for Attribute "url".
Name Type Description
value String Url.